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  • 2 Years already .... we continue to think of the legends of drums : Jimmy ! and we miss him everyday and we will always love him ! He is on our Hearts & memories foREVer ! :( </3 I Love you The Rev ! but legends never die ! R.I.P The Reverend Tholomew Plagues   James Owen Sullivan February 9...


  • ...in the sky everyday!) Yes The Rev Is dead and almost 2 years as pa ssed .. it's sad and I Miss him very much and foREVer he will miss me ..... I Love him and I know that i'm not the only one to love him and who miss him. F or the occasion I will write a comments on the 2 years and a think on...


  • ...in the sky everyday!) Yes The Rev Is dead and almost 2 years as pa ssed .. it's sad and I Miss him very much and foREVer he will miss me ..... I Love him and I know that i'm not the only one to love him and who miss him. F or the occasion I will write a comments on the 2 years and a think on...